चार्टेड वाले के पास तीन चार्टेड हैं… तीनों बसों के ड्राईवरों के पास मोबाइल भी हैं…जब कभी ट्रैफिक जाम होता है तो पहले चक्कर लगाने वाली बस पीछे आ रही बसों को रास्ता बदलने की सूचना दे देती हैं।
इसी तरह किसी सवारी को बसों का टाइम टेबल और समय में हेरा-फेरी का पता करना हो तो भी ड्राईवर के मोबाइल की घंटी बजती है... पर मोबाइल सबसे जायदा कारगर होता है…ट्रैफिक पुलिस आगाह करने के लिए…वैसे तो हर चौक और लाल बत्ती पर ट्रैफिक वालों की गरम की जाती है…पर जैसे सेण्टर में ओपोसिशन को रूलिंग पार्टी की हर बात में मीनमेख निकलने की आदत से अपने विपक्षी धर्म को बचाए रखती है ...उसी तरह पुलिस वाले नियमित रूप से हफ्ता लेने पर भी अपनी राह चलते वाहनों को डंडा दिखाने से बाज नही आते....उनकी इसी वक्त-बेवक्त सीटी बजाने की आदत की शिकार बस वाले भी ट्रैफिक पुलिस से सामना होते हे पीछे से आ रही बसों को संभलकर चलने का निर्देश दे देते हैं....और कंडक्टर को गेट पर लटक रही सवारियों को अन्दर करने की हिदायत. इसी लीपा-पोती में बोनट पर बैठी लेडीज सवारियां भी खरी होकर यात्रा करती हैं।
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
बस- सवारी-ट्रैफिक पुलिस और मोबाइल महिमा
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Energy Synergy Dialogue on “Delivering Sustainable Energy Security to Rural India”
Mr. J. K. Mehta, GM, WEC-IMC, Mr. R.S. Sharma, CMD, NTPC, Dr. S. K. Chopra, Advisor (Former Spl. Secy.), MNRE, Prof. M. S. Swaminathan, MP (Rajya Sabha) & Chairman of M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation and Mr. Anil Razdan, Secy., Ministry of Power (Second Left to Fourth Right) with energy professional on the occasion of 5th Energy Synergy Dialouge of WEC-IMC
In his welcome address Mr. R. S. Sharma shared that over 2 billion people around the world are without access to modern cooking fuels and 1.7 billion people are without access to electricity and India alone accounts for 40% of this population. He said that while the country is surging ahead economically at a growth rate of 8-9% of GDP, the need of the day is to ensure that the benefits trickle down to economically underprivileged section of the society.
Dr. S. K Chopra in his impressive presentation, emphasized that any endeavor to rural energy development should be pro-poor, pro-women and pro-nature. Food security, nutrition security and ecology security require to be closely linked with Energy Security. Highlighting these linkages, he expressed that even the fuel to cook the food is a greater constraint then the food itself. Agriculture the largest producer of bio-mass, itself needs energy for food production, harvesting and transportation.
Mr. Anil Razdan recommended integration of Rural & Urban Energy programmes .His prescription was that non conventional energy sources should not be limited to rural areas only but the lead for demonstration of usage of non-conventional energy sources should be taken up by urban megacities. He advocated a power sector wherein freedom and facility to use electricity is provided to the people.
Chairing the session, the Living Legend & Father of Economic Ecology, Pro. M. S. Swaminathan, made three keypoints ; first, that Energy Security has correlation with food Security; costs of food goes up with the cost of energy. Second, that local people need to empowered for rural energy development. Third is that the democratic setup of Gram Panchayat can be used to facilitate its organization, management and administration. He suggested that we must launch community rural energy manager in villages. Appreciating the initiative of talk show by WEC-IMC, he quoted that synergy in energy use is the pathway to sustainable energy security and wished a continued success to Indian Member Committee in its effort to take energy to every home and heart in the country.
Followed by a lively discussion amongst the participants on the theme, the session eventually ended with the conclusion that “Take power to the people, they will do the rest.”